Monday, March 31, 2014

Dry Roasted Cabbage Wedges

I am quickly learning that cabbage is a highly under-rated veg.  High in antioxidants, cabbage is rich in vitamins K & C, B1, B5 and B6.  It also provides fiber, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium for strong bones, and potassium for regulating the heart rate and blood pressure.  In just 1 serving size (1cup)!

One of our favorite ways to enjoy cabbage is simply dry roasted.  (I say "dry" as some recipes call for butter, lard or other wet ingredients.)  We substitute coconut oil for the olive oil, and like to change up the spice on top depending on the menu.

This is a great recipe for little hands to help with once you have sliced the cabbage.  And it cooks quickly, which is important when you have ravenous children who morph into kitchen marauders any time you turn your back ;)  I also love how versatile this dish can be - serve chopped as a garnish to your chicken, as the "plate" to a hearty helping of other roasted veggies, or just a simple side to your pot roast.  But the best part is that the leftovers are just as good as the night you roasted it... that is if there's any left ;)


  1. Oooh, I have half a head of cabbage languishing in my fridge. Now I know what to do with it! Thanks!

  2. never heard of this! doing it!
