Monday, March 31, 2014

Dry Roasted Cabbage Wedges

I am quickly learning that cabbage is a highly under-rated veg.  High in antioxidants, cabbage is rich in vitamins K & C, B1, B5 and B6.  It also provides fiber, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium for strong bones, and potassium for regulating the heart rate and blood pressure.  In just 1 serving size (1cup)!

One of our favorite ways to enjoy cabbage is simply dry roasted.  (I say "dry" as some recipes call for butter, lard or other wet ingredients.)  We substitute coconut oil for the olive oil, and like to change up the spice on top depending on the menu.

This is a great recipe for little hands to help with once you have sliced the cabbage.  And it cooks quickly, which is important when you have ravenous children who morph into kitchen marauders any time you turn your back ;)  I also love how versatile this dish can be - serve chopped as a garnish to your chicken, as the "plate" to a hearty helping of other roasted veggies, or just a simple side to your pot roast.  But the best part is that the leftovers are just as good as the night you roasted it... that is if there's any left ;)

Bacon Wrapped Chicken Strips

Paleo Cupboard is one of my favorite food sites.  Tons of amazing and delicious meals, including this one - bacon wrapped chicken strips.  Anything that has bacon in the name must be tasty and it was.  I made it one of those nights where I have only a little time to get everything done before I am out again for the evening.  It was perfect!  Came together easily, cooked quickly and served as the protein part of our meal.  Next time I will baste the chicken initially before wrapping in the bacon and omit the second basting.  I think this will solve the bacon issue I had, as I prefer super crispy bacon.  You know it's good when dinner is totally silent because the kids are eating it all! :)

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Sunday Sweet

This has been circulating around the web a bit and it always looked enticing.  The perfect oppourtunity came when we had some of Dood's friends over after school.  These were quick to make and super delicious.  AND the recipe made enough to fill 6 hungry kids :)  I cooked them a little longer to make them more solid and used chocolate chips rather than raisins.  You could skip the almond milk and I think they would take a little less time to cook.  Perfect for snacks, desserts, or even breakfasts ;)  Definitely a favorite around here!

Saturday, March 29, 2014


The older I get, the more important health is becoming to me.  When I was younger, I never had an issue with weight or energy.  But then I married and had 5 children in 7yrs and it did a number on both my energy and eating habits.  Last year Bean was diagnosed with too much yeast in her system.  Then came Baby Cuda's inability to have dairy.  I came to the realization of just how much food affected the way we all felt.  And what a food rut I was in from Hubby's year-long deployment. 

I decided to start slow - healthy snacks.  I stocked up on high protein bars and bought bags of raw almonds at Sams.  The protein bars ran out too quickly and I got kidney stones from all the almonds (seriously!).  I began cooking at home more, but mostly quick meals or ones from the freezer section that left us feeling gross or still hungry hours later.  Over the following months, I read more about GMOs, real food, protein heavy meals, and buying organic.  Then my sister got engaged and Lent began.  Both great reasons to make a drastic diet change :)  Sometimes the best way to do something is simply to dive right in, and that's just what I did.

The new way we eat is referred to as "paleo."  This is essentially the foods our ancestors would have eaten - no sugar, no dairy, no grains & no starch or beans (if you are strict!).  It is protein rich with hearty additions of veggies and fruit.  What a learning curve we endured for the initial month!  Eating this way takes much more preparation and organization as you cannot simply throw something together.  It also takes time to build your ingredient staples, many of which are difficult to buy in our little town.  Because I am nursing Baby Cuda and need extra calories, and since the older kids take lunches to school and have trouble with lettuce wraps, I made a decision.  We would eat paleo as much as possible, while trying to stay sane.  We will currently avoid recipes with ingredients I cannot buy here locally.  If I make exceptions (such as rice with our salmon, potato wedges with veggie burgers, or low yeast flatbread sandwiches for the kids' lunches), they would only be healthy exceptions.  So no easy junkfood or fast food substitutions for meals or snacks, even if it means we eat later or more simply than planned.  Even the simplest dish can be delicious when cooked well :)

Many of our family and friends have requested recipes and in the best interest of sharing those with everyone, Veggies Are Exciting was born :)  We are still learning ourselves, but would be happy to answer any questions you have :)  As Julia says, "Bon Apetit!"